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Showing posts from 2015

Doll Meet at BYU

In late January, we had an informal doll meet on BYU campus. Enjoy the group shots! Everyone's having a great time and then... Kitty! Kitty kitty.... The cat went after everyone's hair. It also went after the Oreos. We put a stop to that before it got out of hand. The pukis were no help whatsoever in keeping the cat out of trouble. Mowr?

Doll Meet at the Sego Lily Gardens

I had a lovely doll meet late last summer with some local dollie peoples. They were delightful as always and the Sego Lily Gardens were a great spot to get some wonderful photos! Enjoy the ones I took of everyone's dolls! I got some great shots of my own dolls, but those will be posted later!

Ugly Christmas Sweaters

I found these awful Christmas sweaters at my local Target and they magically fit my MSDs! So, they now have ugly Christmas sweaters, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!! And Briar wanted to wear her candy cane evening dress, Rosslyn had made Cherry a Frozen-inspired dress, and Rosslyn's Pip and Stella opted to hang out.