Name: Rania Nibhanupudi
Zodiac: Scorpio
Birthday: November 9 (I received her in August, but that's not the character birthday.)
Age: Around 20
Sculpt: Souldoll Soulkid Amy
Mobility part: No
Skin color: Dyed tan, then brown, was white, originally.
Eyes: Glastic brown eyes
Customization: Started as a white skin and was dyed to current tan color. Has faceup done by Rosslyn. Her nose has been modded. She also has mobility joints in her upper arms.
Wig: Has a Tisha Jessica wig by Haircrafter in black. Also has a new long black straight wig.
Likes: Two Hands, reading, learning, homemade curry, being sure of her sanity, and fantasy.
Dislikes: Loud and overbearing people, spooks, and being threatened.
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